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Showing posts from August, 2009

My Experience Of Being Scammed

After experiencing problems with my current phone, I wanted to change and upgrade my phone. But because my contract is not up yet, I decided to buy a phone without line. I had my eye on an iphone and my hubby told me about this website A deal too good to be true It seemed that there were a lot of good deals there and they were selling at really cheap prices. An iphone usually costs $1200-1400 without contract and they are offering to sell it at $300-$450… including shipping, one year warranty, fully unlocked and sealed totally straight from factory. Sounded like a deal that is too good to be true but greed and curiosity got better of us and we emailed them for more info. Trying to gain our trust and confidence After we emailed them, they gave us an msn address and started a conversation with us online. Just to make us feel comfortable, they told us that their sales agent is also a Singaporean who just visited Singapore. They also kept saying they are from a est