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Showing posts from January, 2013

Princess Lucy Sends Me A Letter

Today, I am going to talk about a type of scam that is pretty common.. the premise of it is usually like this.. someone... a "bank manager" or a "princess" will need help to transfer huge amounts of funds and promises you a huge cut if you help... but they will always ask you to email another email account with some personal details like your address, occupation, phone and picture or wat.. I never understood why they needed that info.. Anyway, because they are so obviously scammy, I usually ignore them.... The other day I received this email... ------------------------------- Princess Lucy < > wrote: Dear Friend, I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the wish of God for you to help me and my family, God almighty will bless and reward you aboundantly and you would never regreat this.I am a female student from University of Burkina faso,Ouagadougou. I am 25 yrs old. I'd like any person who can be caring