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Princess Lucy Sends Me A Letter

Today, I am going to talk about a type of scam that is pretty common.. the premise of it is usually like this.. someone... a "bank manager" or a "princess" will need help to transfer huge amounts of funds and promises you a huge cut if you help... but they will always ask you to email another email account with some personal details like your address, occupation, phone and picture or wat.. I never understood why they needed that info..

Anyway, because they are so obviously scammy, I usually ignore them....

The other day I received this email...


Princess Lucy <> wrote:

Dear Friend,

I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the wish of God for you to help me and my family, God almighty will bless and reward you aboundantly and you would never regreat this.I am a female student from University of Burkina faso,Ouagadougou. I am 25 yrs old. I'd like any person who can be caring, loving and home oriented. I will like to have a long-term relationship with you and to know more about you I would like to build up a solid foundation with you in time coming if you can be able to help me in this transaction.

Well, My lovingly Parents died two Years ago and left I and my junior brother behind. My late father was a king, which our town citizens titled him over sixteen years before his death.I was a princess to him and I am the only person who can take care of his wealth now because my junior brother is still young . Now am matured to face the life.I know all my father's wealth. He left the sum of USD 5, 000.000 Dollars (Five Million US Dollars) in a Security Company here in Burkina Faso In West African Country.

This money was annually paid into my late fathers account from Shell petroleum development company(SPDC)and chevron oil company operating in our locality for the compensation of youth and community development in our jurisdiction.I don't know how and what I will do to invest this money somewhere in abroad, so that my father's kindred will not take over what belongs to my father and our family, which they were planning to do without my present because I am a female as stated by our culture in the town.

Now,i urgently need your humble assistance to move this money from the security company to your bank account, That is why I felt happy when I saw your contact because I strongly believe that by the grace of God, you will help me to invest this money wisely.I am ready to pay 20% of the total amount to you if you help me in this transaction and another 10% interest per Annual After Income to you, for handling this transaction for us, which you will strongly have absolute control over.

If you can handle this project sincerely and also willing to assist me in lifting this fund, kindly reach me. Please, note that this transaction is 100% risk free and I hope to commence the transaction as quick as possible, I will send you my Picture as soon as I hear from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Princess Lucy Nnani
Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso
West Africa.


Feeling bored and thinking I could collect some info for this blog, I decided to reply and ask for a picture...

Nothing happened for a full week.. but a week later, this arrived in my mail.. complete with picture!

Dear  Friend,

Thank you for your update response regarding my request to you and also to give more details regarding this project. I decided to transfer this money outside the country based on the kind of opperession we have been coming across in the hands of our uncles and aunts since my father died. They have been squandering every properties of my father simply because I am a female as stated by our culture a female has no right in such case and my younger brother is still too young to talk much on that.

But concerning this fund in the security company, My families are not aware of the fund before and after the death of my father, My late father informed me while in sick bed about the family treasury with the security company and told me that he has mapped out this fund simple because of the custom and traditions of my country which will not allow me any of his assets when he die . He also asked me to pray and seek for GOD'S DIRECTIONS in finding a GOD fearing person who will assist me because he created a vaccum of co-inheritor in the deposited fund.

The security company can't release this fund to me without providing co-inheritor or co beneficiary. Now I have decided to transfer this fund in the security company outside this country so that I will make wiser use of the money because even if I can realise the money here in my country, they my (families) will still found out and rise up against me. So, that is why I contacted you to help me out so that this money will be transferred outside my country on your behalf as co beneficiary or co-inheritor of the fund.

After much considerations about my conditions,I have decided to involve and use the services of my late father's lawyer who is well connected with the security company authorities who has to oversee the total transfer. I had to take this singular decision because of the fact that I am still a student and can't handle the transaction alone and would not want to show much of my interest to avoid any jeopardy or lose of the fund because of my family members.As you may know that this transfer would need some personal attentions from us and I would not want to be identified with the consignment as the only inheritor hence the law of the land does not permit such to female .

That is the most reason why I decided to choose you and hire this legal attorney to represent us locally as our legal representative during the commencement of the transfer out of th country.Therefore,you don't have any risk to bear in his transaction.Please kindly send the following information of yours to me which i will submitted to the lawyer. All i needed from you is your total surport,sincerity and faithfulness so that the fund will be safe with you when transfered. I am sending you my picture for recoginition purpose and i need your as well.

Information I need from you.
1. Your name in full (first,middle and last name)
2. Your House or office address.
3. Your Direct Telephone.
4. Your Age.
5. Your Marital Status.
6. Your occupation.
7.Your picture

Princess Lucy Campore
From Burkina Faso in West Africa.
Home Address: Rue 54 ave. LOUDIN
B:P 1508 Ouaga. Burkina-Faso


I kid you not.. came complete with this nice picture of a young lady.. Dun ask me why it is blurred.. I dun even know who this is or who she might be..

Can anyone tell me why they need all sorts of info from you to scam you? What is the modus operandi here?


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