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Scam Alert

Possible Scam Report: 16 November 2009

Just received this email today...

I suspect it comes from the same people who were scammed my husband...

Everything, their offer, and modus operandi is the same.. the only difference is that they claim to be from a different company and is using a different name...

Subject: RE
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 02:29:15 +1000

Hello friend : how are you these days?I will to see you when i am free. I had bought an Apple iPhone 3GS 32 GB unlocked from . it is original and good price . Please go to have a look when you have time . Carissa

I repeat, it is not possible to get iphones wholesale ANYWHERE in the world for tat kind of low price..

Be careful so that you wun be scammed...


Anonymous said…
its not so much a scam as the persons email has been hacked and used to send spam
<*ANGEL*> said…
well, if the website is a scam, then it is considered a scam.. even if the person who sent it out is unaware of it..

my purpose was to ask pple to be careful when visiting the website stated in the email...

I still see alot of those postings tat look scammy online so I know they are still very active:)
Anonymous said…
If IS a scam site, it's the most sophisticated I've seen- everything is there, including proper account setups, transaction records, tracking etc. I'm waiting to see if I've been had, after thinking a friend of mine had bought an iphone from there and recommended it to me. Time will tell and perhaps my eye for a bargain will have misled me.
<*ANGEL*> said…
have you gotten your phone already.. if you have and they are legitimate, pls let me know:)

Anyway, the website tat scammed my hubby was equally well equipped with the above mentioned:) It doesnt take alot to set those up if you know how to do it:)
Anonymous said…
Yes, IS a scam, as is! Avoid it at all costs! I lost US610 in December 09 by falling for it, wanting an iPhone 3GS 32Gb.(570 + freight. They string you along then nothing happens. They went quiet for a while but are back in business with their clever Live Chat robot.Put as many warnings and blogs out there as you can.

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