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Confirmed OwnerShip Parcel

Today, I received an interesting email.. Correction, I got TWO pieces of the same email... From FEDEX at different timings.. or so it claimed with it bogus sounding email adresss called

And the email went like this: 

Dear Customer!

We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirmed Package that is registered with us for shipping to your residential location. We had thought that your sender gave you our contact details. It may interest you to know that a letter is also added to your package. However, we cannot quote its content to you via email for privacy reasons.

We understand that the content of your package itself is a Bank Draft worth of $250,000.00USD, FedEx do not ship money in CASH or in CHEQUES but Bank Drafts are Shippable. The package is registered with us for mailing by your colleague, and your colleague explained that he is from the United States but he is here in Nigeria for a three (3) months Surveying Project as he works with a consultant firm in Nigeria West Africa We are sending you this email because your package is been registered on a Special Orderand COD MODE is not operational.

What you have to do now, is to contact our Delivery Department for Immediate dispatch of your package to your residential address; you will have to pay the sum of $162USD to the FedEx Delivery Department being full payment for the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx Company as stated in our privacy terms & condition page. Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirm your information, it will take only one working day (24 hours) for your package to arrive it's designated destination. For your information, the VAT & Shipping charges as well as Insurance fees have been paid for by your colleague before your package was registered. Note that the payment that is made on the Insurance, Premium & Clearance Certificates are to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug Affiliated Fund (DAF) neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country. This will help you avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of your country. Kindly, note that your colleague did not leave us !
!with any further information. We hope that you respond to us as soon as possible because if you fail to respond until the Expiry date of your package, we may refer the package to the British Commission for Welfare as the package do not have a return address.

Kindly contact the delivery department (FedEx Delivery Post) with the
details given below:

FedEx Online Delivery Post
Contact Person: Young Lytle
Telephone: +234-8168636735

Kindly complete the below form and send it to the email address given
above. This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephone


Kindly complete the above form and summit it to the delivery manager on:

As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you the necessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for the Security Keeping Fee. As soon as they confirm your payment receipt of $162USD, they will not hesitate to dispatch your package as well as the attached letter to your residence. It usually takes 24 hours being an overnight delivery service.

Note that we were not instructed to email you, but due to the high priority of your package we had to inform you as your sender did not leave us with his phone number because he stated that he just arrived Nigeria and he hasn't fixed his phone yet. We indeed personally sealed your Bank Draft and we found your email contact in the receiver?s column as the recipient of the foremost package.

Ensure to contact the delivery department with the email address given above and ensure to fill the above form as well to enable a successful

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Jane Betty Blaire.
FedEx Team Management.
All rights reserved. © 1995-2012


Can you smell the scam in the air? If you cannot, here are a few good notes to use as reference;
  • No respectable company will send you an email using another domain name. Eg, Fed Ex emails using, never or!
  • As mentioned in the mobile phone scam, Fedex has made it very clear to me when I called them to double check that they will only accept deliveries WITH SENDER's INFO... and if anything happens, they will ALWAYS CONTACT THE SENDER.. NEVER THE PERSON RECEIVING IT!
  • I have said this before but will say it again. If anything is too good to be true, especially on the internet, it probably is!
  • Scammers work like fishermen.. they cast their nets very wide and email many people at the same time. Most scams I receive in my mailbox appear A FEW TIMES in my mailbox. Or if not, it might appear under a different heading but have the exact same flow and format. Genuine people don't go crazy and send their emails out a few times. If they do so by accident, it should also be sent out at the same time and not different times.
  • Also, the moment they mention "NIGERIA", run as fast as you can. While I have nothing against the country. MOST OF THE SCAMS featured on this blog always end up somewhat linked either to the country or to someone from the country.
  • Remember how scammers like to use confusing language? "However, we cannot quote its content to you via email for privacy reasons.....We understand that the content of your package itself is a Bank Draft worth of $250,000.00USD.." I thought they say they cannot quote the content of the package???
  • I can bet with you the moment you fill in the "form" and email their manager, they will ask you to send them money via WESTERN UNION. Remember, when you use Western Union, the moment the other person at the other side has your pin, they can draw your money from anywhere in the world and you can kiss it goodbye, there is no paper trace and you will NEVER be able to find out who took your money. 162USD may seem like a small sum but if there are 10 suckers who fall for this, that is 1620 for just sending out bogus emails... Not everyone will bother to double confirm and research on the internet and have a chance to even come to this warning page! 
Till the next scam report... 


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