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New Ministry of Health (MOH) Scam

Today, an idiot called me and told me that he is from MOH..

Number one, he used my dialect name but pronounced it in mandarin and pronounced my surname as the last word.. which is sala already.

Scam alert, he speaks mandarin. He speaks with an accent and it sounds like he is from China.

He asked me if I had sent in a package from overseas.

I replied, "Even if I did, what has it got to do with MOH?"

He said that the package contained banned medication and would like to find out more like why I did that.

I asked him if he can speak english. 

He said he can but he cannot use english because this is CHINESE department of MOH.

I told him my mother say speak chinese one is scam... LOL

Immediately someone else came and took over and said this really is MOH, I should check their number online and we can see this is MOH hotline number.

I told them dont waste my time and hang up.

He called me back again and asked me to check MOH number. (which checks out as their general hotline number) and kept asking me why I think they are a scam... (the audacity of it!) even asked me to provide feedback about what they did wrong.

I told him:

  1. My mother say... speak mandarin confirm scam!:) (Ok my mother didnt say that but i am sure she thinks that too)
  2. Singapore MOH will call you and default speak english... only if you cannot speak english, they try other languages
  3. I was born at night but not last night.. MOH does not have a chinese department
  4. MOH will not call u using their general hotline number, they will use individual DID one okie

But he non stop went on and on and today, I am not in a mood to entertain or be nice.... so I told him... or rather SCREAMED AT HIM because he doesnt want to listen to me and keeps on going about his script.
  1. Stop wasting my time, I am not interested
  2. And he should know... cheating people of their money will reap KARMA

So he said, "Ok, if you dont listen, we are going to formally send you legal documents..."


Anyway friends, be careful of this new pattern scam. I am sure they will tell you to send money to verify the medication blah blah blah blah... Or they will ask you for some personal info that will put your credit card at risk. 

As long as they tell you MOH and Chinese Department, you can very well just hang up and save yourself some time.

Update on 10 May 2023: the voice they have now for the MOH scam and the “you have a parcel to collect” scam now has Singaporean accent!!! I think they using AI … but their script still the same ya. Just always hang up to be safe!! 


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