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LinkedIn Scam!


Scams are constantly changing.. Just recently, a scam even appeared in my LinkedIn account!

So I opened up a Linkedin to find a message from someone that goes like this...

New Regional Fintech/Partnership Opportunity

Hi XX, We are extremely impressed with your background, and I would like to introduce you to a business / fintech partnership with a special client of ours. Due to the sensitive nature of this Fintech/partnership, we are contacting you on his behalf. This opportunity does not require you to move. If you are interested, write to Liang zhu at This opportunity is of immense benefit to both parties. Good luck YYY Interim Recruiter @ XXX

I tried to google this YYY person and it seemed this was a legitimate person working in a legitimate company

So I emailed Liang Zhu.. even though I was still suspicious.. I just wanted to see what this will lead to.

A few days later, YYY messaged me and told me that his account was hacked and asked me not to open any link that is being sent by this person. Apparently, the person will send you some email with a link and you are under no circumstances to open that link.

I took note and didnt think much of it.

In the end though, while I was clearing email I saw that Liang Zhu did indeed email me but the email he sent was a typical scamish email that promised a lot of money in return for helping them with something.

Liang zhu <>
Wed, 9 Nov at 10:13 am
I am Liang zhu, a former senior member of the CCP Party in China. I have a great offer for you if this proposal will be worthwhile for your acceptance.

I've been a valued member of the CCP party for 20 years. I have a wife and a daughter. When Xi Jinping came into power on 15 November 2012, we thought it was business as usual but it's not. He became more and more authoritarian and was persecuting party members who opposed him.

On the advice of my wife, on February 1, 2015, when bitcoin was trading at $226.97, we bought 1200 bitcoin and invested it at a trading firm in the UK as the UK was far away from the eyes of the Chinese government.

In January 2020 the CCP Government started jailing and persecuting party members who spoke against its policies in Hong Kong. My family and I were flagged by the CCP Government. We went into hiding and avoided all communication with our family members and friends. Some of our family members and friends were placed under house arrest and interrogated for hours and communications were monitored just to find our whereabouts. Our bank accounts were frozen, phone and internet were disabled.

In 2021, the Chinese government banned all cryptocurrencies and trading. You can read more about the ban here: The government is actively monitoring all trading platforms and transactions. We are unable to access our investment in the UK which is worth about $24,420,000 Million US Dollars at current market value. This is where your assistance and partnership are needed.

You will contact the trading firm on our behalf and if you set up an account with them, we will sign all the necessary paperwork and transfer our account to yours. You will then be able to make investment decisions on our behalf like transfers and adjustments of our investment portfolio. You get 25% of the total equity and we get 75% of the total equity. With our share, we would be able to pay someone to get us out of china.

If this proposal is of interest to you, do not hesitate to write back. I only have limited internet access a few times a week but would do my best to communicate regularly so this transaction can be concluded on time.

Hope to hear from you.


So there you have it, the latest but not exactly new linkedin scam I came across.

Stay vigilant, guys!


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